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English version


In a modern state Kargasoksky district has been existing since 1959. The total area of this district is 86, 9 kms2. Kargasoksky district is the largest in Tomsk region. The distance between the furthest settlements in the north-east and the south-west is more than a thousand kilometers. The population of the district is 24 thousand, its density is 0,3 person per 1 km2.

The district is situated in the north part of Tomsk region and it has a sublatitudinal position from the east (the basin of the river Tym) to the west (the basin of the river Vasyugan).

In the north Kargasoksky region borders on Alexandrovsky district and Tyumen region, in the east - on Verhneketsky, Parabel districts and Krasnoyarsk region, in the south - on Novosibirsk region, in the west it has a common border with Omsk and Tyumen regions. The district center - the village of Kargasok is 427 kms far away from the regional center.

The market infrastructure and private sector of economics are developed quickly in this region. The majority of population work on private enterprises, the considerable part of them are the representatives of small business - individual businessmen.

The leading part belongs to the trade branch. The effective use of trade space, the building of new shops increase competitiveness, the volume of sale rises, the new work places are created, new services for population inculcate. Except for the trade the human services are developed successfully: private taxi, personal services, timber-cutting. The part of tax proceeds from the subjects of small-scale enterprises in this region in 2004 made 0,4 %.

The basic branches where the development of small-scale business is planned are wood logging, saw-timber output, wild plants processing, fish catching and its further processing.

Links (Tomsk and Tomsk oblast)

Official information server of Tomsk oblast
The State Duma of Tomsk oblast

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